Monday, December 12, 2011

16 wk.

What has been happening... I haven't gained any weight from my last appt I am still at 107.0, which as I have stated before is strange to me.. but Docs again aren't concerned.. I still don't feel pregnant,Which reminds me a lot of Conner's pregnancy. I am starting to get the BUMP.. I can still sleep on my stomach but I try my best not too not really having any problems either.. other than the Usual cramps,and back aches..
Cravings: They have really subsided  But one thing I have wanted more than anything is Chicken Ceaser Salads (without Egg yok in the dressing..) Which for me  is strange bc I am not a big Salad person at all.
Movements: He/She is starting to move more and more.. but it is still hit or miss..
Gender: is still unknown Heart rate is 155 right it the middle.. I say boy just bc Girls aren't big on Brett's side of the family but we shall see come Jan 10.. I will be happy with either..
Names: Boy: Gabriel Lee Myers
Girl: Caitlyn Verlee Myers
We are cloth diapering we have put our buying on hold until we find out what we are having. but
I have got a pretty good Small stash going... (7-15lbs) I still have more NB diapers to buy and AIO One sizes but they will come in a slow process.