Monday, December 12, 2011

16 wk.

What has been happening... I haven't gained any weight from my last appt I am still at 107.0, which as I have stated before is strange to me.. but Docs again aren't concerned.. I still don't feel pregnant,Which reminds me a lot of Conner's pregnancy. I am starting to get the BUMP.. I can still sleep on my stomach but I try my best not too not really having any problems either.. other than the Usual cramps,and back aches..
Cravings: They have really subsided  But one thing I have wanted more than anything is Chicken Ceaser Salads (without Egg yok in the dressing..) Which for me  is strange bc I am not a big Salad person at all.
Movements: He/She is starting to move more and more.. but it is still hit or miss..
Gender: is still unknown Heart rate is 155 right it the middle.. I say boy just bc Girls aren't big on Brett's side of the family but we shall see come Jan 10.. I will be happy with either..
Names: Boy: Gabriel Lee Myers
Girl: Caitlyn Verlee Myers
We are cloth diapering we have put our buying on hold until we find out what we are having. but
I have got a pretty good Small stash going... (7-15lbs) I still have more NB diapers to buy and AIO One sizes but they will come in a slow process.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

13 wks.. Hello 2Nd Trimester!

Hello all.. Today I had an appointment because I have been having some headaches well A LOT of them...  they are certain it is not enough water intake but I feel like that if I drink anymore than what I am I will float away.. but they said up it to over 165 Oz of water a day due to the dry climate that we experience here in AK and with all the NEG Temps... So upping it is what I will do, they today me to also add flavoring to it because drinking that much water would make anyone tired of drinking it that way so  I will have to find some flavors that I like.. LEMONS really helped me out the other day with drinking more..  I also got to hear the babies heart beat for the first time.. it was 154... right in the middle..  Conner's was always really high (180) Emma's was (164). My gut is telling me it's a boy but we will be happy with what  ever God grants us with we will be happy with either.. I have been a total wreak worrying about everything.. I can't remember anything from Emma's Pregnancy and defiantly not from Conner's... so I don't know when to expect anything right now.. I am starting to feel Small/ TINY movements here and there..

Pregnancy Highlights:
Weight gain: 4 lbs ( I actually lost some weight from my last appointment)
Cravings: they have kinda stopped but we shall see if they show up again..
One things I am not ready to to give up is sleeping on my stomach.. which I am happy I can still do as long as I am prop just a bit to the side..
One thing I miss: A GOOD nights sleep.. I have not been able to sleep soundly AT ALL this time.. unless I take Unisome which I hate to do..  Last night was the worse I couldn't sleep at all until 400 am and the kids woke up at 645am.. yep I am one tired person today..
*will keep you posted as the time progresses

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

12 weeks

Over site on the Pregnancy... As most of you know we took the necessary measures to prevent a pregnancy, with the Complications that came from Emma's delivery experience.. Not only was it almost fatal but it was the very eye opening to love and care for what you have in the moment..  Now here we are expecting Myers Number 3... very Unexpected.. but we will love this baby I am happy that GOD has blessed me again to carry a child not only for my husband but for him...  We will make sure that all of our children grow up very good Children of God..  this is very scary too due to the unexpected to come.. but we will take the precautions that need to be taken during this time... I am pretty SURE that it's a boy...  I have my name Brett has his.. but I am going to get my way..  HEHE!

*I will post a pic later tonight*

Weight gain: 5 lbs (  I have to say this is the least so far that I have gained in all of my pregnancy) with Emma I was already at 11 lbs.
Craving: Lemons, Pickles and soft severed Ice cream ONLY
 I am just not starting to show, but I am still not in maternity cloths yet.  I know it will be happening soon..

Monday, September 19, 2011

E Turns 2

Emma on Sept 25.2009 2nd day home from the hospital
Then here is Emma at 23.5 Mons. and she already knows how to put her shoes on her correct feet.

You are an amazing little girl you are, and you are loved so very much. You have grown into one ball of energy, and every time we turn around you are into something new. But we love you so much

2 yr well baby Emma' was 34 3/4  in tall (75%) and 30 lbs (91%)
She has never been a little girl.. But she is one Amazing one!

She has quite all together with the potty training
She talks non stop
She loves her livie.. ( which is her pet Guinea Pig)
She can take off and put on her shoes 75 % of the time by herself
She is super independent hates being helped with anything
She has random Tantrums that just started and we are still unsure why they have started other than maybe bc she is 2.
She still doesn't have all of her teeth, we don't have our (4) 2nd set of insizers nor do we have our 2 yr molars When she burst  into a tantrum  she  also  grabs at her mouth...
She is one Strong little girl
She loves to sing with the Radio...
She LOVES her hairbows.
Her favorite things are Princess, Dora, Elmo.. Ne ho Kilan..  and don't for get WOW WOW Wobzy,, WE try to limit TV as  much as possible.. but with it being so cold and Conner being at school she doesn't like to play unless her friends come over!
She loves to pretend she is putting on make-up when I am getting ready in the morning, she is still a super early riser and I think it really has something with the light that is here bc the sun comes up so early in the morning that will be stopping soon.. though since winter is right around the corner!

hope you like the update.. I will make sure and post pics of her Princess Playdate on Wed. !

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My horrific Dealer Story!

Finally Nissan Admitted there Mistake! so in the Process of putting on my hearter-cor!
Note they had to take off my Exhaust manifold, Alternator and water Pump to even get to the piece that it needed to be put on.. So we picked up the Car Thursday of last week after Brett had gotten off work.. the car ran fine on the way home so looked like all was going to be good. We get a Call Friday afternoon asking if everything was going good and at that time it was( we only drove the car from fairbanks) get in it on Saturday morning to run some errands before the guys from the shop come over and my Check engine light comes on, and my set button that shows you that you have cruise on was flashing.. That was a huge hint that something was wrong.. well then I go and try to lock my car with my Fob.. BEEEEP is all I hear BC it is making my car alarm go off now.. then as I am driving it was kinda cold so I needed to defrost my window some... I hit the defrost button My horn honks... another big sign something isn't right... as Nissan auto shop is Closed on the weekend of Course..
 Monday morning roles around and I am going to take it in like they asked me to.. Car wont ever turn over.. no noise or anything.. so I call Brett and Have him  come and jump me.. we though okay it's something that has drained the battery did we leave something on.. Checked everything No nothing was left on. After about 2 hrs trying to get the car to start and many calls to Nissan... They say have it towed and if it our fault after we look at it we will pay for the tow. Okay that is cool.. Myself did not expect my pretty baby... (my car) to be sitting on a tow truck when it was only 6 yrs old..  Never had any issues other than your normal routine maintenance..
 Nissan calls back Mon. and tries to say that the Inter light was left on and that is what killed the battery.. But How wrong were they..  So they were going to charge us 169.00 for a new battery from them.. We say hold off we wanted to talk to the General manger..  Well he was a total JERK and wouldn't work with us.. so we went to NAPA and got a battery( better than what they were going to put in.. for 121.00 pd out of our pocket..  Okay so Car now has a new battery.. Brett notices a STRANGE Noise that shouldn't be coming from the car with no Keys of anything so he goes and get a Manic from Nissan which looks into the car and says your right that doesn't sound good.. something is run that shouldn't be right now.. Which would be what KILLED or BATTERY! But he proceeds to state it most likely isn't something they had done.. WRONG AGAIN Nissan..
 Car is still at Nissan and will be for about another week! When they were taking pieces off my car they Spilled Antifreeze all over my car in which shorted out my car in turns Killed the battery and the car it's self.. it can be fixed and they are now paying for the tow and the New battery..  and the parts that the killed and Getting me a rental until I can have my car back.. I am glad that this stress have been relived and we can rest on that.. but I miss MY car and want it back,.. but I am excited for what rental car they are giving me... it should be one off the lot..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Myers' ACROSS the world!

Sorry for this being the only blog in like 3 months, but with the PCS and Knowing that we were going on a 4000 mile road trip has it stress that comes along with it!: So here is the Blog about the ROAD TRIP!

As most of you know that we have been in the process of a move, most people going from an overseas base to another overseas base,they would just FLY but not the Us. Brett recently bought his mom and Step dads' 04' Dodge Ram 1500 and we had to pick it up, and not to mention the guns that we had to leave behind when we went to Germany in 2008. Our Road trip started in Tn to Il where we stayed at Grandma Helens house for the 4th we didn't do fire works due to it isn't allowed in IL. but that was still okay for this was the first time that grandma helen got to meet Miss Emma Grace!
 We had an amazing visit but come tomorrow morning that might change.. since we have a 700 mile rd trip to North Dakota!  Let me guess you are wondering how that went.. The kids were ANGELS! they just played and watched movies.   There was NOTHING In Iwoa.... Other than a nasty smell... but Minnisoda was nice! and any one who states that they would not be stationed at Grand Forks I would like to know why! bc it is a NICE area! even though we were only there for 1/2 a day to sleep.
The Next day was the day to head to Sasatoon Canada! what a Day.. we were so worried about boarder control due to we had 8 guns locked up in the back, but it was faster than crossing into Alaska! LOL That day was nice too. Canada was amazin the days that we were in there.... I would advise any military member driving to ALASKA not to Stay at the Comfort in Dawson Creek BC . The most Rude anti-Military, Place I have been at.. I know we are free to speak and  such but if I am paying for service from your hotel don't tell me that we are just people who take over other  people countries, bc that isn't how it work... * this came into context when Brett mentioned that we were heading to Alaska from Germany... Now I don't know if Brett just told her that or if she asked.
But after 3 days in Canada we made it to Eielson AFB on July 09 at 6 pm. So far we love it for granted we haven't had a winter yet.. we we shall see. right now we are in a 1 bedroom apt. it is TINY but we got the call from housing today stating that they have our house! so hopefully we will be in there soon. Actually as I am typing this Brett is waiting at the housing office getting ready to do Paper work! I can say that I am not fond of the 20 mile drive to Fairbanks which happens to be where walmart, sams, oldnavy, American eagle are including all the hunting stores* which I don't care for* lol
Well we made it... and I guess that is what counts..

* we saw Buffalo, Moose, Deer, Bear, * black and Grizzly... I will have pics up on FB soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little miss talkitive! and more

As many of you all know I have been working on Emma's potty training and I can say that for 19 Months old she is doing super, the other day I had her in underwear all day,  and she only had one accident and I really think that only happened do to the excitement of Conner getting home from school this is always an exciting time for her bc she love HER CONNER as she calls him about 90 percent of the time. and when he is gone to school she walks around and ask Conner were are youuuuuu? and she looks in every room and then comes and ask me where bubbie.... 
Emma talks all the time now she tells me when she needs to go potty, she tells me what she wants most of the time and she sings all the time.....

With the more part. PCSing.. = Major stress for the MYERS household....  Luckly the main stress is done which was shipping the car, and belongings, now we have to ship some goods to the inlaws so it is ready for the 4000 mile road trip to Alaska.. Which I can say that I am EXCITED and SCARED about all at the same time.
 Conner is doing super in School, but with this little lefty it make it so  hard on us to teach him anything. I love that Little guy and he knows it he loves to push boundries, but what little boy/ kid doesn't.. He is doing super in Soccer as well,

More: why yes..  Color wonder art supplies has became my new best friend since Emma Likes to Color on EVERYTHING! when I say eveything that is what I mean and this inculdes herself... So it is better when you can't see it! :) !

Sorry there isn't any pitures life is CRAZY! around here. but we are more than ready for ALASKA!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Photo overload

Conner plants his Plant for school!

Trying to dig a hole, even though we said NO
                   Still digging
            So Brett dug a hole in the flower bed to plant the bean sprout!
                         Covering the bean with soil!
So Conner got to plant a seed at school and his sprouted.. so we planted it at our apartment! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From Old to NEW

As many who know me well, know that I am a person of change and a lot of it. I hate for my living room to be in the same way for to long, and same goes for Hair, I think this is most likely why I am MADE for MILITARY LIFE. Military life has changed me for the better I can say. It has made me grow in whys I never could have on my own, and gave me strengths I never knew I had.
                                                                   Paris  April 2009

 Yes if there is one thing that I could change about military life it would be the good byes and being so far from family. but I like it in ways as well. as I mentioned before it has made me grow in ways I never thought I could. It is really been for the better. My walk with CHRIST has GROWN is ways I never knew, and I have been blessed with a loving Airman and family.and man has our family grown. the meaning of family to non-military is nothing compared... Not only do you have YOUR family you also have YOUR MILITARY FAMILY. in which is more than a family then I knew of.. We get to know each other in ways that I never thought. And I hate that we will be saying Good bye to Germany which has been our home for almost 3 yrs now. but for the NEW it will be in Fairbanks Alaska, Where we have already begun to make friends, and I am excited for a NEW Chapter in military life.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

18 Months

                                  *Emma Grace 18 Months 4 days*
Emma is now 18 Months old.. well as of Monday the 21 of March this is....... She is doing great, she is developing great! The Doc. has no concerns with her size due to she has always been big.  she is doing great with fine motor which is somethings that tends to be a problem with larger babies. But not with our Emma, She isn't much on doing anything on her own... so we are working on the play alone thing... She is starting to show interest in Blocks and such, but if you are in eye sight she comes to you....

Words that She knows...

Conner or (Conny)
Dog ( every dog she see is ABE)
Duck ( even if it is a CROW)
Thank you
Yes mam
es sir ( yes sir)
Pee pee
Poop ( which is normally Shew shew)
amps ( gramps
nan ( gran)
Wata ( water)
uice ( Juice)
*and she can also say most of our friends names too.

as you can tell she doesn't always pronounce right but she tries...

Weight: 28 lbs 11 oz
Height: 33in.

Our Soccer star!

Conner started Soccer last week with the Skies unlimited program through the ARMY... he loves it.. the thing about him playing here in Germany is the fact that his Coaches are professional(soccer) "FOOTBALL" players. he is the oldest one on  the team and  he has everyone in height with about a inch or so..
He is also picking up super fast on the things that he needs to know, and I am kinda scared to know if Eielson has a Soccer program there.. since it isn't warm there much...

   *Waiting his turn*
*Looks like he takes after momma on the running
future track star maybe*

 * This is one of 7 goals and it's only his 2nd day at practice*

PRE-SCHOOL~/ 4.5 yrs.
Sorry that this blog is on more than on topic. Conner is doing as super job in pre-school and he loves it as well too. When he was sick a few wks ago he was super upset when I told him he had to stay home that day. Conner is TOTALLY a LEFTY!  Which we are still finding it hard to teach him some of his tasked that he needs to know in Kindergarten.( like How to  tie his shoes...) This has come to be quite tricky.. and we still haven't figured out how to teach him. He loves to read which I am happy about since I hated it.. He still isn't so great at counting but that is more just him acting out, ( bc I have heard him more than once count all the way to at  least 25) but when you would like him to practice forget it it isn't going to happen.... He is super stubborn,and hard-headed. But super sweet most of the time.

Sorry I Need to remember to get a picture of him when he is on his way in! *