Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little miss talkitive! and more

As many of you all know I have been working on Emma's potty training and I can say that for 19 Months old she is doing super, the other day I had her in underwear all day,  and she only had one accident and I really think that only happened do to the excitement of Conner getting home from school this is always an exciting time for her bc she love HER CONNER as she calls him about 90 percent of the time. and when he is gone to school she walks around and ask Conner were are youuuuuu? and she looks in every room and then comes and ask me where bubbie.... 
Emma talks all the time now she tells me when she needs to go potty, she tells me what she wants most of the time and she sings all the time.....

With the more part. PCSing.. = Major stress for the MYERS household....  Luckly the main stress is done which was shipping the car, and belongings, now we have to ship some goods to the inlaws so it is ready for the 4000 mile road trip to Alaska.. Which I can say that I am EXCITED and SCARED about all at the same time.
 Conner is doing super in School, but with this little lefty it make it so  hard on us to teach him anything. I love that Little guy and he knows it he loves to push boundries, but what little boy/ kid doesn't.. He is doing super in Soccer as well,

More: why yes..  Color wonder art supplies has became my new best friend since Emma Likes to Color on EVERYTHING! when I say eveything that is what I mean and this inculdes herself... So it is better when you can't see it! :) !

Sorry there isn't any pitures life is CRAZY! around here. but we are more than ready for ALASKA!

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