Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Myers' ACROSS the world!

Sorry for this being the only blog in like 3 months, but with the PCS and Knowing that we were going on a 4000 mile road trip has it stress that comes along with it!: So here is the Blog about the ROAD TRIP!

As most of you know that we have been in the process of a move, most people going from an overseas base to another overseas base,they would just FLY but not the Us. Brett recently bought his mom and Step dads' 04' Dodge Ram 1500 and we had to pick it up, and not to mention the guns that we had to leave behind when we went to Germany in 2008. Our Road trip started in Tn to Il where we stayed at Grandma Helens house for the 4th we didn't do fire works due to it isn't allowed in IL. but that was still okay for this was the first time that grandma helen got to meet Miss Emma Grace!
 We had an amazing visit but come tomorrow morning that might change.. since we have a 700 mile rd trip to North Dakota!  Let me guess you are wondering how that went.. The kids were ANGELS! they just played and watched movies.   There was NOTHING In Iwoa.... Other than a nasty smell... but Minnisoda was nice! and any one who states that they would not be stationed at Grand Forks I would like to know why! bc it is a NICE area! even though we were only there for 1/2 a day to sleep.
The Next day was the day to head to Sasatoon Canada! what a Day.. we were so worried about boarder control due to we had 8 guns locked up in the back, but it was faster than crossing into Alaska! LOL That day was nice too. Canada was amazin the days that we were in there.... I would advise any military member driving to ALASKA not to Stay at the Comfort in Dawson Creek BC . The most Rude anti-Military, Place I have been at.. I know we are free to speak and  such but if I am paying for service from your hotel don't tell me that we are just people who take over other  people countries, bc that isn't how it work... * this came into context when Brett mentioned that we were heading to Alaska from Germany... Now I don't know if Brett just told her that or if she asked.
But after 3 days in Canada we made it to Eielson AFB on July 09 at 6 pm. So far we love it for granted we haven't had a winter yet.. we we shall see. right now we are in a 1 bedroom apt. it is TINY but we got the call from housing today stating that they have our house! so hopefully we will be in there soon. Actually as I am typing this Brett is waiting at the housing office getting ready to do Paper work! I can say that I am not fond of the 20 mile drive to Fairbanks which happens to be where walmart, sams, oldnavy, American eagle are including all the hunting stores* which I don't care for* lol
Well we made it... and I guess that is what counts..

* we saw Buffalo, Moose, Deer, Bear, * black and Grizzly... I will have pics up on FB soon!

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